School Values

We value RESPECT

We respect ourselves, others and our environment.


We are gentle, caring, helpful and show concerns for others.


We take ownership of our actions, belongings, and the environment.


We keep trying to improve, even when it is difficult.

School Profile

Lightning Reef Primary School boasts outstanding open planned facilities and large grounds beside Bendigo Showgrounds. The school provides a great sense of pride and excitement in the community. The grounds are expansive and provides for active and passive play as well as a chicken enclosure and vegetable gardens. The full size gymnasium and indoor canteen ensure a range of indoor activities are encompassed in daily learning opportunities.

The enrolment in 2019 ranged between 182 and 188, and was 183 at Census day.  The Student Family Occupation (SFO) index for each school reflected a similar population profile and in 2020, the SFO was 0.81. The school is characterised as a low socio-economic school community. In 2020, there are four students funded by the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD); 27 Koorie students, 5 in Out of Home Care and 47 with a Karen background. The school is part-way through a new Strategic Plan, and is particularly proud of the gains it has made in all areas of school improvement.

The staffing profile is stable, consisting of a Principal, Assistant Principal, 16 teachers and 11 Education Support officers (ES) including a Business Manager (1.0) and Primary Welfare Officer (0.6). The school has specialist programs in Visual Arts, Music and Physical Education. In 2020, we are introducing a LOTE program in Karen.

The school has strong ties with the Greater City of Bendigo Council who sponsor local businesses to participate in an aspirational work program called Passions and Pathways (P&P) targeting year six students.

The school maintains positive community partnerships that support our students and their families. The school accesses a DET Psychologist and Koorie Education Support Officer.

The school employs an additional Speech Pathologist (0.2) supported by a SPAIDE, and allocates three Reading Recovery teachers along with an English as an Additional Language (EAL) teacher through equity funding. Equity funding also supports additional ESS and Leading Teachers to promote and manage the implementation of SWPBS.


Principal’s Welcome

Thank you for taking the time to visit our web site. I hope that you will also take the time to visit our school where you will see for yourself the wonderful people that make up our school community.

During a visit to the school you will see our vision enacted through the exciting programs and activities that take place every day at Lightning Reef Primary School in our purpose built learning spaces.

Lightning Reef Primary School is a community united by a shared belief in the following values

  • Kindness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Persistence

These values underpin the teaching and learning philosophy of our school, which recognises that every child is unique and that the educational needs of each will be different. The school’s capacity to inspire and engage each child to fulfil his or her potential is a key to the success of the school. We use a School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework which specifically targets, teaches and reinforces pro-social behaviour in all aspects of learning.

Welcome to Lightning Reef Primary School.

Joanne Ryan